July 21, 2014

Weeks 4&5 Marathon Training Recap

Life has been busy with summer travelling, bridal showers, and family time so I'm recapping marathon training weeks 4 & 5 today. Training has been going pretty smoothly-so far so good!

On the Road to 26.2-Weeks 4&5

Long run: Week 4 had a long run of 14 miles, and week 5 was 16 miles (more on that below!). Once I'm starting to run longer than a half marathon each weekend I know that training is getting serious! I ran the 14 miles with my friends from my training group along the latter part of the Baltimore Marathon course. It was the first time I had run that part of the course since the marathon. I remembered how awful I felt at that point of the race as I was running around Lake Montebello, and how I thought I might not make it to the finish! Definitely something to think about as I continue training for #2! The weather ended up being warmer than I expected therefore my friends and I were definitely in need of more water than we had brought with us. I think I'll reluctantly start using my fuel belt with the two mini water bottles again instead of just my little handheld bottle. 

Weekly runs: My training group did some speed work during week 4 and then some hill repeats in week 5. I ended up doing the hill workout by myself last week because I was running late after work and am pleased to say it didn't feel too hard. I managed to get in my hill workout right before a storm hit the city so I was really motivated to get up those hills fast and get home!

July 16, 2014

Little Things Thursday feat. Snowballs and Beyonce

Welcome to another It's the Little Things Thursday, which is the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. I think it's important to remember to take the time to stop and appreciate all those little things that make us smile. 

 I cannot believe how fast July is flying by! It's pretty much non-stop from now until the end of the summer, making it the perfect time to stop and reflect on all those small joys in my life. 

Remember that all those small moments of happiness add up,even though it's hard to see that when life gets stressful (i.e. me this week!). 

Here are some of the little things lately that have made me smile!

Taking iced coffee to work in my frog cup.  Yes it's mine. Yes I'm in my mid-twenties. 

July 15, 2014

How to Run with A Bulky Phone {Fit PlusWear Pants Review}

I'm featured on Sara's blog as part of her Bloggers on the Run series so check out my interview to find out more about me, my blog, and my favorite race distance! 

As a young runner lady who runs around the bad streets of Baltimore (they're actually not that bad), I like having my cell phone with me. Even if I'm not listening to music, I'd rather take the gamble of bringing an expensive phone along so I have the option to call somebody if something happened to me or I got stuck somewhere. Or if I take an embarrassing spill miles away from home, you know, because that has never happened.

Sadly, I hate running with my phone. I have a fabulous but huge Samsung Galaxy phone that isn't easy to take along. I have a little fanny pack belt and an arm pocket, but it's still annoying with such a big and heavy phone.  It's bouncing around or weighing down my arm as I'm trying to get my run on. No bueno.

This is where the Fit Plus Wear Sound Solutions Capris come in. I was offered a pair to review and since I always give my honest opinions spoiler alert: these are AWESOME.

Disclaimer: I was given 1 pair of Fit Plus Wear Sound Solutions Capris to review from Fit Plus Wear on my blog. I received no other compensation for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own, as always. 

July 11, 2014

Weekly Marathon Training Update Week #3

On the Road to 26.2-Week 3
Long run: This week was a shorter long run (oxymoron?) of 8 miles. I stuck to my routine and tried to keep it at a slow, usual long run pace. I was pretty tired before the run, but we kept it easy by sticking to the nice, flat route around the Inner Harbor along the water. After the run was over I grabbed a large coconut flavored iced coffee  from Dunkin Donuts. Iced coffee is pretty much the best after a hot & sweaty morning run. 
Silly iced coffee face

July 10, 2014

Recent Features Around the Web

Well I was going to have a marathon training update for you today but an unplanned afternoon yesterday plus my body sleeping in way too late this morning means it's pushed back to tomorrow. Must mean I need to move up my bedtime!

Today I'm sharing some links of blog posts and shout-outs of mine around the interwebs for you to check out and share!

Lifestyle Accountability Podcast

A few weeks ago I was featured on fellow co-host and fellow Fitblogger Adam Bates' Lifestyle Accountability Podcast here. I talk about starting out as a runner, training, healthy living tips, and motivation. I've listened to a bunch of the podcasts of fellow bloggers and they are all great so browse through other episodes while you're there!

What's In Your Bag?

I participated in a guest post here for the What's In Your Bag? series on Your Fit Trip. I talk about what I packed in my carry-on when I traveled down to Savannah for the Fitbloggin' conference. See what I packed to stay healthy and some things I wish I would have brought!

Laurens Bag

July 8, 2014

14 Favorite Things from Fitbloggin' 2014 {big recap post}

I've been trying to figure out how to do a proper recap of Fitbloggin' 2014. I could do a day by day, but if you really want that you could just check out the schedule.  

Fitbloggin' was an amazing personal experience for me, and something that definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. I flew alone to a conference in a city I've never been, with no friends or anyone I knew personally there, and roomed with three other blogger ladies I've never met before (who were awesome!).  

I could make this multiple posts but decided to just highlight 14 of my favorite things or experiences from Fitbloggin' 2014 with a bit of a photo dump! It's going to be a long one and sadly it's not even 1/4 of my photos!

1. Making friends during a Crossfit-style workout led by Andrea I was excited to do this WOD since I'm a part-time Crossfitter. It wasn't too hard for me, but I loved doing a team WOD with ladies who never tried Crossfit before. We actually ended up becoming conference friends after the workout. Sweating together =friendship, people. 

Thanks to Angela for the photos!

2. Savannah parks/squares I spent most of Sunday walking around to all the different squares in Savannah and had a fabulous afternoon alone. The moss in the trees is gorgeous, and I loved the little pristine slices of nature tucked into the city. 

July 3, 2014

It's the Little Things Thursday Returns!

I've got another It's the Little Things Thursday and am trying it out as a linkup that happens the first and third(!) Thursdays of the month. Please join in and  add your link at the bottom of this post. All I ask is that you use my graphic below and link back to my blog!

It's been non-stop since I got back from Savannah and the holiday weekend is just as jam-packed. It makes it the perfect time to take a step back, breathe, and focus on the little things that have made me happy over the past week! 

All of those little sparks of happiness and moments that makes us smile add up!

Here's some of the little things lately that have brightened my days!

Words of wisdom from Oprah on my Starbucks coffee sleeve. Pretty appropriate for sitting in the airport after an inspiring weekend in Savannah.

July 2, 2014

#breathedeeplyandrunchitown-Marathon Training Update

Here we go again-training to conquer 26.2 miles. The 2014 Chicago Marathon is only 101 days away. Say what?!

Yes, I'm starting my own hashtag #breathedeeplyandrunchitown. I will need a lot of deep breathes and smiles to make it through another cycle of summer marathon training. 

Since I've already made it through one marathon I should be feeling older and wiser, right? Not really. I think the pressure is on more this year because even though I had goals (which I met!) last year, just finishing was an accomplishment. Now I'm looking to shave ten minutes off last year's time. Of course, this is all self-imposed pressure. Of course.   I'm looking at eventually getting that shiny BQ (Boston Qualifying) time. Right now I'm trying to run another strong marathon except in a city I've never visited. Big goals set you up for big accomplishments, right?

June 30, 2014

Hi I'm Lauren. {thoughts after Fitbloggin'}

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you saw that I had a fabulous time at Fitbloggin' in Savannah this past weekend. After a delayed flight and long drive last night, I'm dragging a little this Monday morning. At the same time I am feeling very motivated and inspired by the weekend. 

I'll do a Fitbloggin' recap and photo dump later this week, but I today I'm sharing all the thoughts swirling in my head from the conference. I met so many awesome people and heard so many inspiring stories. I was given a lot  to think about and reflect upon. It's a weird world to be in. I have real life friends, blogger friends, and total strangers reading my blog. I love sharing snippets from my life and stories about my training and races with others. 

Even if you're a brand new or long-time reader I thought I'd reintroduce myself to you.

This is a snapshot into what's swirling in my brain now. It's not everything, but it's a little picture of who I am.  I typed, proofread, and hit publish so it's of the moment.

June 25, 2014

#fuelyourbetter with Vega Sport Performance Pre-Workout

Disclaimer: I was given 1 box of Vega Pre-Workout Sugar-Free Energizer to review on my blog in association with my Sweat Pink Ambassadorship. I received no other compensation for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own, as always. 

I've reviewed and used Vega products before because I love that they are all-natural and plant-based. I'm a fan of their chocolate shakes and protein powders.  So of course I was excited to be selected to review Vega Sport Pre-Workout Sugar-Free Energizer through my ambassadorship with Sweat Pink in conjunction with the #FuelYourBetter campaign.

The Vega Sport Pre-Workout Sugar-Free Energizer is a plant-based pre-workout supplement designed to increase energy, boost endurance, and enhance mental focus . It's also dairy, gluten & soy free.  It comes in two flavors: acai berry, which I was sent to try, and lemon-lime. 

June 23, 2014

How to Stay Cool During Summer Runs

Well, Fitbloggin' is in 3 days and I'm BEYOND excited. If you're going be sure to come say hello, and if you're not follow me on Twitter and Facebook and see what I'll be up to all weekend! 

This weekend was my first long run of marathon training! After I get back from Fitbloggin' I'll start with the regular weekly training updates on the road to the Chicago Marathon. My runs went well this weekend, especially since it was closer than it had been during the week.  Getting used to the summer weather is no joke. I read this article in the Washington Post about how your body reacts to the heat. I highly recommend checking it out.  

Did you know it actually takes 2 weeks to acclimated to the heat?
 I know I had some tough runs where even an easier pace felt awfully hard because of the temperature and humidity so don't be discouraged!

Besides training for a marathon all summer, I'm also running the Hood to Coast relay with the Nuun team in August. You bet 3 outdoor runs in 24 hours will probably include at least one that is super hot, so training in the heat will leave me well-prepared! 

I'm linking up with some other Hood to Coast Nuunies today so check out some other awesome blog posts!

At least here in the Northeast, we have been getting a taste of the hot and humid weather to come. I definitely notice a difference in my runs and how I feel as the weather heats up. It’s important to tweak some things with the changing of the seasons so you can keep logging miles all summer.  Here are a few summer running tips that I use to stay cool.  

How to Stay Cool During Summer Runs

June 19, 2014

It's the Little Things Thursday

I've decided I'm starting a regular series called It's the Little Things Thursday.It will be a compiled reflection on the little joys I find in everyday life.  Sometimes it may only be a couple things, sometimes it may be a lot. I'm thinking it'll be an every other week thing, but we'll see :)

I find a big part of being happy is enjoying the everyday, not just the big occasions, vacations, or celebrations. 

I've noticed myself feeling anxious and discontent again lately so I've needed to remind myself the virtues of positivity and seeking happiness from within.  

Going to the gym, working, still working, cooking dinner, catching up on emails,running errands and doing chores. This is how most of our days are spent.

Sometimes those are not the most thrilling or fun ways to spend our time so I think stopping to enjoy and savor the small but maybe not so insignificant things in our days that make us smile is a good thing. 

After all, all the little things which make us happy add up!

"Enjoy the little things in life ..." - quote by Robert Brault  http://paintthemoon.net/blog

Here's some of the little things lately that have made me smile or brightened my day, even if just for a moment!

June 16, 2014

Monday Updates and a Face of Fitness

Hello to another marvelous Monday.  I can't believe we are already halfway through June! I'm getting super pumped about Fitbloggin' and even picked up some sweet new Baltimore blue crab business cards via a Klout Perk with Moo using a photo I took with Instagram. I love how they came out and know they'll be a big hit at the conference.

After a fun filled but long afternoon/ evening celebrating Baltimore Pride weekend in my neighborhood on Saturday (along with many adult beverages!), I was happy to spend most of Sunday finishing up Season 2 of Orange is the New Black on Netflix.  It's so good, and now I'm sad that I finished it so soon! I also finished catching up on The Mindy Project's last season, which is such a funny & sweet show. 

Image from here
Now I'm lost since summer TV is pretty sparse. Anything I should check out next on Netflix?

June 12, 2014

North Face ECSDC Trail Marathon Relay with the November Project family

This past weekend I was lucky enough to run not only my first trail race, but my first marathon relay race with my November Project (NP) Baltimore people! NP Baltimore was sending two relay teams of four, a guys and girls team, down to Virginia to run the North Face Endurance Challenge Series DC event along with teams from November Project tribes all along the east coast. 

Who wouldn't want to spend all day with these fine-looking people?

It was a 6 AM Saturday wake-up call, a car drive, a much-needed Starbucks pit stop, and then shuttle to the event at Algonkian Park in Virginia. As waited to board the shuttle, all the NP folks seemed to show up at once. There was tribes from Baltimore, DC, New York, and Boston. The Boston team was the two tribe leaders (who started this whole awesome community) Brogan and BG. I thought it was so freaking cool to meet them because I remember seeing them in Runner's World when I first read about November Project.   

Even though I'd only met a couple people from the DC tribe, everyone from all the tribes made sure to introduce themselves and give each person they met a big hug. It's why I freaking love this community-it's a big family. 

June 10, 2014

Buy a Shirt to Help Fight Hunger!

Tomorrow I'm going to recap all about my fun weekend and first trail run, but today I'm asking for your help!

 I've already talked about how you can sign up for the Women's Health RUN 10 FEED 10 race series and get a $5 off discount any race through me with the code "WHSESERKO"! 

There is even the "Run Your Own 10K" option where you can run a solo 10K or get a group of friends together to register and still receive an awesome tote bad and know that your registration fee is going to help fight hunger in the US. 

 I'm a Women's Health Action Hero and want to spread the word about the race series and great cause!

While I have a fundraising page to make donations to the FEED organization I thought I would try something fun for people to get involved in so I designed a tee shirt

June 5, 2014

Own Today {Momentum Jewelry Review & Giveaway}

Did you check out the reasons why I run yesterday? I hope you had a great National Running Day whether you got a run in or not!

Lately I've been really into mantras. Little words that help me reflect on the moment or task at hand are really helpful, especially with my anxiety. I love posting inspiring sayings on my walls and writing little quotes on post-its I put all over the place. 

Having some words of motivation and happiness can be really inspiring when you are having a hard day or a tough workout (or trying to complete the #RWRunStreak!). For the Baltimore Marathon back in October I wrote mantras like "dig deep" on my hands in sharpie, but they ended up coming off by the end of the race.  

I was really excited to be offered the chance to review Momentum Jewelry, a line of jewelry by Amy and Wendy which blends their passion for fitness and over 20 years of jewelry-making experience.  They make motivational jewelry that is workout-proof so you can be inspired while you get your sweat on!

June 4, 2014

Happy National Running Day 2014!

Happy National Running Day 2014! 

Yes, it's a real thing-you can check out more information here!

First of all, I've made it to day 10 of #RWRunStreak. I'm pretty proud of myself for making it a quarter of the way through the streak. Many of my runs are me convincing myself it'll just be 10 minutes (or less!) on the treadmill to run a mile in the evening when I really don't feel like it, but I've stuck with it and that's what counts. Today I'm counting my one mile as all the  running we did at November Project Baltimore this morning even though I didn't track it-I'm sure we ran over a mile with all those sprints!

To celebrate National Running Day you can pledge to run miles for charity, call a friend and go for a run after work, find a new running group, sign up for a summer or fall race, or just maybe just go for a run because it makes you happy. 

I'm going to share 5 reasons why I run

1. I run for me. Running is stress-relief. Sometimes it's challenging, sometime's it's relaxing. It's a hobby and a passion. It makes me happy!

June 2, 2014

MIMM: Will Run for Bananas

Um, when did June get here? I don't mind right now because I am loving sunny summery weekends. This weekend was one of those marvelous ones. 

 Time is flying by, and I'm SO excited that Fitbloggin' is in 26 days! YAY! I'll be talking about it before, during, and after the trip so stay tuned (and sorry in advance!). 

Friday I went to Crossfit and rocked some deadlifts and then lounged around watching TV and eating this kale salad I made to dinner from an Eating Bird Food recipe. This salad was so good and was boyfriend approved! I added some chicken on top to make it a full meal.  

I also picked up my latest package from Women's Health as part of my partnership with the magazine as a Women's Health Action Hero-two new flavors of the LUNA Protein Bars to try in lemon vanilla and chocolate coconut almond. I LOVE the chocolate chip cookie dough LUNA Protein Bar so I was excited to get to try these flavors.  I even got a couple chapsticks in the  chocolate coconut almond flavor and knew that flavor would be my favorite after testing those out!

As predicted, I loved the coconut chocolate almond which I gobbled up as a snack yesterday. It is gluten-free and packs 12g of protein in a delicious little bar that tastes like dessert! I packed the lemon vanilla flavor today as a pre-workout afternoon snack. 

Saturday morning I meant to go to a free AM yoga class but instead slept in. I did my first Surfset class at a new Baltimore fitness studio called Beachfit (more on that later this week!) which was fun and definitely worked my core.

May 28, 2014

I Needed a LYFT this Morning!

I was super pumped to get to November Project Baltimore this morning as always, but my body was not liking the time my alarm went off. A five day weekend (thanks to a few extra days off) still has me out of sorts. Luckily I had a extra Pure LYFT Energy Stir Stick on me thanks to an opportunity as a Sweat Pink ambassador! 

Pure LYFT Energy Stir Sticks are an energy product that has zero calories, zero taste, and contains as much caffeine as one tall coffee. However the caffeine is natural from green coffee bean extract and also has vitamins A and B complex.  It's easy because you just open the package, remove a little label and dip the plastic stick into a drink for 20 seconds as the powder dissolves.  

I just put this in a glass of water as I ran out the door. It doesn't have any taste and was really undetectable which made me wish I had put it into something flavored.

May 27, 2014

We're Going STREAKING!

Guys, I'm going streaking.

No, not like Will Ferrell in Old School

 After a relaxing, limited-tech long holiday weekend in the woods I'm ready to get ready for summer and marathon training. Eh, after a weekend consisting of hiking, many beers and mint juleps, smores, and sleeping in, I think I am only actually excited for summer.  It actually felt like Memorial Day weekend was the kickoff to summer this year. 

Mid-hike: look at that view!
I'm in luck because Runner's World magazine is sponsoring it's annual summer challenge where you can join and pledge to run a mile a day, every day from Memorial Day to the Fourth of July. 

May 20, 2014

Paddling in the Uncomfortable Zone (and my cute new sunglasses!)

Something I realize more and more in life is that the situations that make us uncomfortable turn out to be really great experiences and a chance to grow.

On Sunday I had to chance the take a free Floyo class as part of CapitalSUP's grand opening weekend in Annapolis.  Floyo is a mix of yoga and pilates, all while on a stand up paddleboard. I'm not very experienced with water sports and have never been stand up paddleboarding ever.  
I somehow managed to convince my boyfriend to come,with who's trying to get fit and is supporting my summer goal of doing more outdoor activities. I was really excited because it sounded so fun, but as soon as we got on the dock I was extremely nervous, anxious, and a little scared. It was a small class of around 7 people. Jessie, the founder of Floyo who I know from November Project and her yoga and spin classes, was teaching and did her best to make me feel at ease. I haven't done yoga regularly in a while so trying to do it on a paddleboard on the water made it more difficult. Clearly

Sitting on the dock of the bay...
I paddled on my knees out to the spot where we were going to have class because my legs were so shaky that I didn't want to try to stand up and fall in immediately.  In the beginning of class Scott fell off his board into the water, and after that he felt like he wanted to leave. He finished the class like a champ, even though he's far harder on himself.  

During the warrior poses I was still feeling shaky and had those negative voices in my head. All I thought of was how embarrassed I would be if I fell in. 
I'm in the blue on the right doing a modified warrior pose!
(photo courtesy of Jessie and Floyo's facebook page!)
Eventually I got into the yoga flow and realized, so what? I had said it was my first time being on a paddleboard and if I fell it's nothing to be upset about.  I'm trying something new and uncomfortable.  

May 17, 2014

5 Reasons to be Excited for Summer (Five Friday Faves a day late!) 5/17/14

Okay so yesterday was crazy busy so you're getting my Five Friday Favorites on Saturday, sorry! I'm linking up with the DC bloggers Five Friday linkup too! With the weather finally looking consistently good besides some rainy days, I'm getting even more excited for summer and all the fun it brings! I am warm-weather loving gal for sure. 

Five Friday Favorites: Reasons to be Excited for Summer

1. Sunshine

The warm weather just seems to make everyone happier, especially after the winter that lasted through spring that the Northeast had. I love running downtown and seeing everyone working out, taking walks, and enjoying the weather.   I love flowers,clear skies, and the sun on my face. It makes me want to spend all weekend outdoors!
clear skies and blossoming trees in Philadelphia a month ago!
2. Shorts and Sandals
Honestly, I hate wearing pants. Except yoga pants, which don't really count as pants. I love wearing shorts and tank tops, mostly because it means it isn't freezing cold outside. Also not having to bundle up anymore for running is amazing!  I used to love being barefoot all summer when I was growing up. Now it's great to slip on a pair of flip-flops and head outside!
my current fave Lululemon shorts

May 13, 2014

Natural Beauty Favorites of the Moment featuring Burt's Bees Brightening Line

Mostly what I have to talk about on here is running and food, but today I'm switching it up and talking about some natural beauty products I'm loving.  Now that it's starting to actually feel like spring/summer and I'm feeling less like a cave creature who doesn't want to leave my warm bed, I've been focusing on trying to look less than ghostly pale and more even-toned.  

Since I have sensitive and acne-prone skin, I'm pretty cautious about what products I'm using on my face. With the huge trend of natural makeup and products, finding things that won't irritate my face has been a lot easier!

Avoiding crappy food helps my acne, but I still have a bunch of leftover dark spots and scars from years of fighting it.  This is why I was really excited to receive some samples of the new Burt's Bees Brightening Dark Spot Corrector (retails for $20.00).  It claims to visibly brighten skin, even skin tone, and reduce the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles in 4 weeks.  I'm a big fan of Burt's Bees chapsticks so I was interested to try another one of their products.   

The Brightening Dark Spot Corrector is noncomedogenic and dermatologist-tested, along with using natural daisy extract which is shown to brighten skin by regulating skin's melanin production.  The whole Brightening Face Care Line also includes a Brightening Daily Facial Cleanser, Even-Tone Moisturizing Cream, Eye Treatment, and Refining Tonic.   The product line claims to brighten and even skin tone when used as part of a daily regimen over 8 weeks. 
The corrector is super thin and light!

May 12, 2014

Official Crazy Runner Lady and Birthday Recap

I had a marvelous weekend and am happy to say that for my dreaded anatomy & physiology II class I have my final today, and then I'm done! I'll have two nights of my week back and can't wait.  Here's a little birthday week and weekend photo recap! There was lots of food drinks, and smiles! Food and friends is pretty much all I need for a good birthday. 

My watch knows what day it is!

Yay for awesome balloons again

May 9, 2014

Recovery Tools: Got Chocolate Milk?

When I was offered the chance to try out chocolate milk as a recovery tool as a Women's Health Action Hero, I jumped at the chance. I'm sure you know by now that I have a huge sweet tooth so being asked to drink chocolate milk post-workout was such a treat! Personally I have switched over to almondmilk because I limit dairy due to my tummy troubles, so it had been a while since I've had some real low-fat chocolate milk. 

Some goodies and information about chocolate milk from WH 

Anyways let's be honest, after some swigs of water lately my post-race beverage of choice is a cold beer. 

After the Rock and Roll National half marathon in March I actually drank some chocolate milk I was handed right after the race  before I downed my bottle of water and was reminded how great of a recovery tool it was, before I even started this assignment! I've been having an 8 ounce glass (let's be honest, probably a little bit more!) of chocolate milk immediately after some runs and workouts. 

 I usually look for something I can quickly eat after a workout within the 20 minute recommended time-frame so I love having some chocolate milk in the refrigerator ready to go. It's also great because it's portable! Many times I don't have the tools or the time to blend up a protein shake so having a post-workout beverage handy right away that has carbs, protein, and electrolytes to start repairing my muscles immediately is great!  Since starting to use chocolate milk as a recovery beverage after my half marathon training runs, I've noticed I've been less sore and more ready to attack my next workout!

Lowfat chocolate milk is a natural source of protein, the right mix of protein and carbs, and provides fluids and electrolytes.  

May 7, 2014

Running with KIND Snacks: Fiesta 5K Recap

This past Saturday I got the opportunity to run the Fiesta 5K with a group of people for KIND Snacks, one of the race's sponsors.  One of the marketing guys for KIND approached me about running for them, and of course I couldn't turn it down, especially to run a race for such a great cause like the Packard Center for ALS research. 

Not only do I love KIND healthy snacks like their dark chocolate sea salt bars and peanut butter granola, but I've become more impressed with KIND snacks' involvement in community events around Baltimore along with nation-wide which goes along with their slogan Do the Kind Thing. They even have a campaign with NBA star Kevin Durant to reach 1 million Strong and Kind pledges to support their $1 million donation to Durant's foundation which creates specialized after-school and education programs for at-risk youth.  Join me and take the pledge here!

Before the race the weather was cloudy but warm. I actually had some blue capris that matched the KIND shirt so I was in fully matching running clothes for once! I jogged an easy mile down to the start line after having my usual pre-race breakfast of a banana and peanut butter!Our team was Joe, Theo, Holly, and me. I know Holly from group marathon training last summer so it was great to catch up!

photo of the team from Tim of KIND-thanks!

May 5, 2014

Birthday Cake and Tiny Hamsters

I had a pretty fabulous weekend with lots of delicious food and drinks (including cake and crab cakes and beer) to celebrate my boyfriend's birthday. I also got in a really nice run around the harbor with the Lululemon Run Club with a bunch of November Project peoples on Friday evening.  It was a great start to a busy weekend! For Scott's birthday celebrations we had an awesome lemon cake from La Cakerie with a raspberry buttercream frosting and raspberry puree layered in the cake. Yes, it was just as delicious at it sounds!   

Cake is pretty much my favorite part of birthdays. I definitely went back for seconds plus an extra spoonful or two of icing! It was a great day, and in the honor of cake and May the 4th (be with you) here's this Disney throwback to my vacation last year. 

delicious chocolate cupcake during Star Wars weekend
 I also had a great time running the Fiesta 5K Saturday morning with KIND Snacks, but that recap will be up later this week because today is my birthday!

 I sadly have back to back exams for the one class I'm taking, after work (seriously, life?) so I'm hopefully getting in a great AM workout (it's been sooooo long) and then having a mini birthday celebration after my exams with champagne and cake. I don't feel like running a marathon tomorrow so maybe I'll just run 2.6 birthday miles instead! There will probably be some tacos involved too because it's Cinco de Mayo/Mexican Monday, and honestly they are just super easy to make! Hopefully I'll have balloons because I love them, and they help make getting older less depressing! 

amazing birthday balloons from last year
 Happy Cinco de Mayo! Get your sweat on and then enjoy some tacos or big margarita for me! 

Or you can chow down on some burritos like this little hamster in this video that makes me giggle:

If you're having your own festive dinner check out my mango salsa recipe from a while back! 

Are you having a festive dinner tomorrow? What is your favorite part of birthdays?