Today I'm sharing some really freaking exciting news. I literally yelled "OMGGGGGGG
when I saw this email slide into my inbox.
I am SO FREAKING PUMPED to share that I'm a part of the 2017 Runner's World Half Run Crew and will be at the Runner's World Half & Festival.
This year's events start October 20th in Bethlehem, PA and include a 5K, 10K, half marathon, kids races and trail race. There is also several multiple-race options including The Five & Dime (5K & 10K), The Hat Trick (5K, 10K, and Half), and The Grand Slam 26.2 Weekend Marathon.
I've never attended or run any of the events in this festival, but I'm beyond excited to run in a new festival in a new area. I also have been a subscriber to Runner's World for approximately 4 years since around the time I ran my first half marathon so this is beyond exciting.