1. Best Run Ever: I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 miler this past April in Washington DC. That was the longest race I've run up to that day, and I was very anxious even though I'd ran 10.5 miles in my training to prepare. I tried to keep up with the 8:30 pacer who was actually running 8 min miles. I ran the race in 1:20 and definitely experience the runner's high. I felt so great and the run wasn't hard just very enjoyable. Crossing the finish line with a nice time and a huge smile on my face was when I really felt like a runner. Immediately after my run I felt like I could run even more, and then eventually some soreness kicked in at brunch.
2. Three words to describe my running: Relaxing (definitely the time I use to de-stress and think about things), competitive (with myself and other runners, I'm always chasing the PR and trying to get better!), and healthy (it's become a part of my life but I balance it with crosstraining and try to keep it from being like work but always being something I want to push myself to do!)
3. My go to run outfit: Something bright colored and fun. I'm a big fan of running capris (no chafing!) and a dry-fit or wicking shirt (Under Armour rocks and are a Baltimore company to boot!). I usually have a headband, armband for my phone, and my Brooks purple Pureflows of course!
4. Quirky habit while running: Sometimes if a good song comes on my iPod I do a little rocking out and dancing with my hands haha