I'm just getting into this blogging thing so my posts are going to be sporadic for a bit. I've been working really hard on getting to the gym everyday this week because I'm trying to slim down before the holidays and get back into lots of fitness classes now that my 2 half marathons are over! I saw this running questionnaire from about a month ago that Another Mother Runner posted, and I thought my answers would be a nice little running introduction from me to you!
1. Best Run Ever: I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 miler this past April in Washington DC. That was the longest race I've run up to that day, and I was very anxious even though I'd ran 10.5 miles in my training to prepare. I tried to keep up with the 8:30 pacer who was actually running 8 min miles. I ran the race in 1:20 and definitely experience the runner's high. I felt so great and the run wasn't hard just very enjoyable. Crossing the finish line with a nice time and a huge smile on my face was when I really felt like a runner. Immediately after my run I felt like I could run even more, and then eventually some soreness kicked in at brunch.
2. Three words to describe my running: Relaxing (definitely the time I use to de-stress and think about things), competitive (with myself and other runners, I'm always chasing the PR and trying to get better!), and healthy (it's become a part of my life but I balance it with crosstraining and try to keep it from being like work but always being something I want to push myself to do!)
3. My go to run outfit: Something bright colored and fun. I'm a big fan of running capris (no chafing!) and a dry-fit or wicking shirt (Under Armour rocks and are a Baltimore company to boot!). I usually have a headband, armband for my phone, and my Brooks purple Pureflows of course!
4. Quirky habit while running: Sometimes if a good song comes on my iPod I do a little rocking out and dancing with my hands haha