October 17, 2013

I Ran a Marathon...but Now What?

"You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming." 
-Frank Shorter

I ran a freaking marathon. It is still sinking in.  I wish I could wear my medal all week and will continue to cycle in my two 26.2 shirts in my wardrobe for a while.  

Race bling makes me happy.

I've been taking it easy this week. My hamstrings are still a little sore and apparently this week should be mostly rest days and a few short, slow runs to shake out my leg,s and then I can slowly get back into a running routine. I also have a nasty little bruise or blister (or both!) on the top of one of my toes that hurts.  My coach recommended yoga, the elliptical or bike, or other easier cross-training in the first two weeks post-marathon if I'm itching to keep moving.  I did go out for a short run yesterday and was smiling for most of it :)

I've been wary of getting the post-race blues. This happened to me in the spring after my big races and before marathon training. I think taking a step back from running or whatever sport you train for is good every once in a while.  However, I am going to run the Philadelphia Half Marathon in a month to keep me running strong. Obviously my full marathon was my big race of the fall, so I don't have any PR expectations for the Philly half-I just want to keep running and have fun!

It's really strange training for something 4 months and now it has come and gone. I don't have to take it easy Friday night and get up at 5 AM every Saturday, what am I going to do? I'm proud, happy, and excited but don't really know where to go from here. I suppose it's time to think of some new goals. I know that the big kahuna goal in my running life (and life in general, I suppose) is to qualify for Boston-most every runner's dream. My first marathon is only 10 minutes off of my age group's Boston time requirement so I KNOW I could do it if I kept training. 

I felt awful and in pain during a lot of the marathon, but I want to do it again. What can I say, I'm a crazy runner lady. 

Here are some ways I'm trying to get my life back in sorts, while I come up with some new goals and projects. 

Ways to Avoid Post-Race Blues

1. Get back into other fit activities.

I want to hit the Crossfit box regularly and decide if I really want to keep my membership, since it is expensive and a big chunk of my budget right now. With tapering and the race I've neglected a lot of strength training and want to see my baby muscles growing again.  Also I've been saying this for a while, but I'd really like incorporate more yoga into my schedule again. I have a groupon for a month of yoga at a studio within walking distance so that seems like a perfect place to start!

2. Sign up for another race. 

Like I mentioned above, I've got a half marathon on my race schedule but also a couple fun runs like a turkey trot and five mile race I do each year.  I think having a race with less pressure surrounding it can be great motivation to keep running after such an emotional and long marathon training cycle. 

3. Find another hobby or project.

It is nice to put some of your energy and focus into work, your personal life, or a home project.  I know I have school, grad school applications, and some other chores that have been put on the backburner so it's time to get back to work on those.  As far as more fun activities, I'm going to spend more time cooking and reading books. I've had a stack on my desk corner forever and need to start making my way through them!

And by actually picking projects that will hopefully help me cut down on wasting time on the internet when I get home from work. By the way, if you need some nostalgia or have time to kill, check out this awesome link of 50 Things You Will Never Forget. It will make you feel old and maybe cry. 

4. Eat clean and healthy. 
After months of crazy running hunger, lots of treats "because I ran X miles today", and carb-loading for the race, I feel bloated. I know I gained some weight training and that just makes me feel blah. Upping the ante on my fruit and veggie intake while actually having worthwhile treats i.e. not mindlessly eating cereal, popcorn, and trail mix, will make me feel more energized and hopefully help me feel a little more lean before the holidays come around. 

I Ran a Marathon...but Now What?
Like today's veggie breakfast scramble, with some yolk porn peeking out.
Also I just wanted to mention that I'm excited I was chosen to be an IDEA Inspired blogger! It is an honor because IDEA is is the world's largest association of fitness and wellness professionals and features a strong commitment to spreading knowledge about fitness and healthy living. Check out all the other amazing bloggers here that I'm honored to be in the company of through the IDEA blogger program!

Have you ever gotten into a post-race funk? What are some other hobbies besides running and fitness you are spending time on lately?

October 13, 2013

I'm a marathoner! {Baltimore Running Fesival 2013 Recap}

I know I usually always post a MIMM post talking about my marvelous weekend. Today I'm going to make this post a race recap because this weekend was so marvelous because I ran 26.2 miles at the 2013 Baltimore Running Festival on Saturday!

It's all surreal to me so sorry if this post is scattered and long.  Thanks for all the social media shout-outs I received this weekend, it made me smile so much!

I got out of work Thursday evening and headed over to the convention center to grab my bib and shirt. Last year it was at M&T Bank stadium which was a little too expansive for the expo. The shirts were awesome, as always, because they are made for the running festival by Under Armour. UA also has a bunch of race gear only sold at the expo, which is expensive but so pretty so of course I picked up a couple of things! Other than that it, it was pretty much the standard running gear so I did a quick loop and bounced. 



 I actually got a fairly solid night of sleep before the race, despite the race jitters. I had my usual breakfast of a banana and toast with almond butter along with some water and coffee. I also was wearing some AMAZING wonder woman inspired arm sleeves from Katie at Groovy Baby Action GearEveryone had been nervous because it was pouring rain on Friday but the forecast was warm, humid, and cloudy with rain starting later Saturday afternoon-SCORE!  I had some rain gear all ready to go in my bag, but ended up not using it.  I walked/jogged down to a local bar right by the starting line where the training groups could check their bags and use the bathroom. It was really great to see my coach and training group before the race started. 
They had Erika Brannock, a local woman who had been severely injured at the finish line of the Boston bombings, as the honorary starter of the running festival. It was really special moment of reflection before I attempted my first marathon.  I was starting out with the 3:45 pacers but was feeling tight in my legs from the start. By the way, there was a guy behind me at the start who had run 68 marathons. WOW. I was super nervous, and my hamstrings were really tight, which was not good for such a hilly course. 

I got to to run the first 15 miles with a couple of my training group buddies which was nice encouragement. Around mile 16 the half marathoners joined in with the marathoners which made things really crowded as we started one of the bigger climbs. Obviously there was tons of crowd support downtown, especially with the half and full marathons plus the 5K and relay races. Overall I thought the crowd support on the marathon course was pretty good, especially with all of the city residents who are cheering in areas you might not expect there to be spectators. 

Around mile 18 my hamstrings and quads were really sore, and from miles 17-21 I just remember going between feeling like death and feeling determined and ready to power through, even though my pace had slowed down about 20-30 seconds. I had been anticipating hitting the wall around mile 18 or 20 so it was strange. I never felt like it hit me all at once, I just felt like crap, haha. 

After mile 21 the course heads back down to the inner harbor, and I remember thinking it would be downhill, but it was really just rolling hills. This is where I really felt awful and my right foot started to be sore-I didn't know if I would finish near the time I wanted to. By mile 22 I had lost sight of the pacers and wasn't sure when I would finish. Somehow in the last three miles I powered through and held my 8:30 pace. At the end having people cheer for me (I put my name on my shirt) and smiling a lot helped!  

As I came down the last 0.2 mile stretch, I saw my coach and then heard one of my best friends yelling my name right before I crossed the line which was really special.  I finished in 3:45:30 which was exactly my goal and was 26th in my division and 463 out of almost 3800 marathoners. What?! When I finished all I wanted was some water, but I had walk a bit to get my medal and some water, which kind of sucked.  


I finally got in line for some food-I just ate a banana but they had powerbars, fruit, pretzels, and olives (weird).  Right after the race I felt like I was in a daze and just wanted to sit down, even though I was unsure if I'd be able to get up!  Randomly Caityln, who had been volunteering at the festival, found me and we chatted which was really nice!  I finally met up with my boyfriend and good friend and got lots of hugs. This was one of the most chill, post-race experiences I had. I took some photos, talked about the race with my coach over a beer, and then headed to brunch with a few people. 


Big news guys, I finally tried an ice bath. I was too scared to try one during training but my hamstrings were SO sore that my boyfriend made me WOman up and do it.  We got the bath to around 55 degrees (we are nerdy and measured), and I wore a sweatshirt and read a magazine for a long fifteen minutes while my lower body went numb. It wasn't fun, but I definitely think it helps. I might do it again!

Yes, there was a post-race dinner of pizza, beer, and Vaccaro's cannolis. The rest of the weekend was spent sleeping in, watching Netflix, and treating myself to food, beer, and some ice cream. As there should be :) 

More post-marathon thoughts to come tomorrow after it continues to settle in that I'm a marathoner :)

Disclosure: Groovy Baby Action Gear provided me with arm sleeves. I received no monetary or other compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.

October 11, 2013

Five Things Friday-Marathon Motivation Edition


The Road to 26.2 -Marathon Training Week 16 and 17-FINAL COUNTDOWN
IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN (cue music)! Since the big race is tomorrow here's an abbreviated training update for the past two taper weeks.

  I followed my training schedule so that means lots of rest, less miles, and STAYING HEALTHY. I've been super paranoid about getting sick and/or hurt. I only have been to Crossfit 1x in the past two weeks but know that this race is the most important thing right now. I've been really cautious about staying healthy and taking my vitamins, drinking tea, and eating veggies.  Last week I had a speedwork run with some easy mile repeats, where my marathon race pace felt fast, and then the next day did a tempo run where my pace felt great.  I ran my last long training run on Saturday of 10 miles around the BWI airport loop. It was a hot day and kind of quiet run, but ten miles was over before I knew it!  I've been drinking water, eating carbs, stretching, and resting. I've gone through all the tapering emotions of feeling tired, anxious, hungry, cranky, and strangely calm. I had an easy run on Tuesday and ran a three mile tempo run yesterday in the rain. I've got my bib pinned on my shirt and most of the things I need already laid out or in a bag near the door.  

The forecast for the race is rainy and cool. The cooler temperatures will be awesome but I'm nervous about the rain. All I know is not to let it get me down because I've worked SO hard for this and guess what-I'll be running in the rain with a bunch of other crazy people!  

My coach and various people have given me the top five things I'll need for the running a race in the rain: 
1. Bodyglide and/or vaseline. All over. 
2. A trash bag and some warm throwaway clothes to stay warm and dry before the race starts. 
3. A hat to keep rain out of my face.
4. An extra set of warm clothes, socks, and shoes in my bag for after the race
5. A smile-I've worked too hard to let the rain get me down now!

And now, since it is time for my five friday favorites, I'm leaving you with five awesome quotes I'm going to re-read tomorrow morning before the race. This time tomorrow, I'll hopefully be on my way to becoming a marathoner. WHAT?!?!?!

Five Friday Favorites-Marathon Motivation Edition





If you're at Baltimore, I'll be rocking Wonder Woman-inspired blue starry arm sleeves and hopefully a smile :)

Good luck to everybody running in the Baltimore Running Festival tomorrow and the Chicago Marathon on Sunday! 

October 9, 2013

1st Blogiversary!

It's a party on my blog today! Well, this was supposed to be posted earlier today, but I got busy. 
I'm just tapering for a marathon and trying to deal with being busy at work. No big deal.  I can't believe it's been a year since I started this blog, and I'm still writing it. I never thought I'd have people who read this, let alone regular comments, shoutouts, and mentions from readers and other fellow bloggers whom I love so much! I also never thought I'd be working with companies, being able to review products and races, and be getting to network at expos and blogger events. I think it's time for a blog redesign soon to make it more "me" :)

I just realized this was the blogiversary so I didn't really have anything fun planned-no presents, balloons, or even any cake (which is my favorite!). 

I know, Liz, it's awful. 
I know, I'm a terrible party host. I promise cake next year and am totally down to get frozen yogurt and cupcakes anytime you want! Maybe after the race madness of this weekend I can put together a little giveaway to thank you all...

Thanks to everyone who reads my blog. It means a lot to me to be able to share my life, running rambles, and especially this marathon training with the interwebs. Keep eating yummy food, sweating, having fun, and always remember to breathe deeply and smile. 

Now I'll get back to watching TV and going to bed to sleep the night away. 


Anything you'd like to see more of on the blog? What's your favorite cupcake flavor?

October 7, 2013

MIMM #13-A Pumpkin Filled Weekend

Well first of all, this is my 100th blog post-what?! If you would have asked me almost a year ago (this week!) when I started this blog if I'd still be blogging away consistently I probably would have said no. Crazy.

My weekend was full of lots of relaxation and smiling. That's a nice change of pace. Here is my MIMM pumpkin themed weekend recap!


Marvelous is a nice, final long run with my training group Saturday morning-it was bit hotter than it has been which made for a sweaty run.  

I stopped by the local running store and finally met Sarah in person. The Brooks Running people were there with their Run Happy Island touring van, and I won ANOTHER pair of Brooks shoes of my choice. SA-WEET and oh so marvelous

Marvelous is going pumpkin picking with my boyfriend and getting three huge, bright orange pumpkins. It was a nice farm where you could go in the patch and pick your own pumpkins. They also had a huge corn maze and farm animals. 


It's amazing how many types of gourds and squash they grow-like this ginormous butternut squash. 


Marvelous is spending the afternoon tasting pumpkin beers including my favorite-Southern Tier Pumpking on draft. 

Last night I made this marvelous and healthy bacon pumpkin pasta from A Pinch of Yum and even my boyfriend couldn't believe it was healthy because of how creamy and tasty it was-I should have doubled the batch! I added extra bacon and used almondmilk instead of evaporated milk. I also added some sauteed spinach into the mix to get some more veggies.  Delicious.

To end the pumpkin-filled weekend, I made pumpkin spice donuts I found on Sarah's blog, Ingredients of a Fit Chick here. They were a yummy dessert to end a marvelous weekend! I made a little frosting with some cream cheese, greek yogurt, and vanilla-flavored liquid stevia.   


 Oh and I went through a box of these pumpkin pastries from Trader Joe's on my latest trip to pick up some autumnal goodies. They are delicious-like a pumpkin flavored brown sugar poptart. I wrote that box off as carb-loading :)


What is your favorite pumpkin treat?

October 4, 2013

Five Friday Faves-Marathon Training Edition! 10/4/2013

Hello and happy Friday! I'm hopefully going to have a relaxing weekend and get to enjoy this unusually warm weather we are having.

Here's a quick reminder that Delta Labs and Bex Life are in the middle of an Instagram #ihonormyself October challenge. All the details are here so starting instagraming photos for the chance to win awesome prizes and practice some self-love!  I've gotten a late start, but I'm going to jump right into the challenge this weekend!


Also since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, order from Delta Labs this month and support healthy tatas. As always, use the code "BREATHEBLOG" for $5 off your Delta Labs order!


This week, in honor of my first full marathon being in 8 days, for my Five Friday Favorites I'm going to show you my five favorite marathon training items. 

Five Friday Favorites: Marathon Training Edition

1. My Garmin GPS watch has been super helpful in not only tracking how many miles I have left to run on long runs but also in helping me stay on my marathon race pace during speedwork and tempo runs. It is fabulous and far less bulky than my smartphone. I am super jealous of the newer models that come in bright colors though (Christmas gift, anyone?).

2. Compression Sleeves
The day after a long run you can find me rocking my PRO compression sleeves. I usually wear them after a long run or the next day for recovery. I think they work well in aiding recovery and help with my tight,sore calves. I usually do long runs in the sleeves and recover with the socks. I find my feet swelling makes running in the compression socks uncomfortable. 

 Fuel Belt (nutrition too!)

At first I thought wearing a fuel belt would be awful with it bobbing on my waist and me adjusting it every few seconds. Now I've mastered wearing it higher on my waist and securing it tightly-even though it's not fashionable at all, it's the only way it stays comfortable. This one also has a handy pocket that I can stash some gels or chews in along with 2 small water bottles.  I've experimented with fuel, but my go-to choices are chocolate/vanilla GU (but adding salted caramel in the mix!), honey stinger chews, and Nuun!

4..  My Brooks Ravennas are a more supportive shoe than I'm used to running in because I was previously running in the more minimal Brooks PureConnects and PureFlows. They feel good (the most important factor) and have nice support and cushion for my feet. I have a fresh pair on deck for the race with only a couple runs on them. The bright purple color is also nice and flashy!


5. Almond Butter. As a nut butter addict, I eat all kinds of nut butter everyday. The TJ's almond butter with a banana on cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread or a P28 bagel has been my go-to snack before a long run. It never lets me down!


What are your favorite race training items? Any fun weekend plans?

October 3, 2013

Marathon Training Week 15- Hello, taper time!

I can't believe another week is almost over. The time is flying, for real. I'm working on getting better organized, and I have gotten some things I needed too out of the way (checked off taking my test and paying some bills!).  Last week, week 15 of my training, started the official taper for my marathon. I can't believe it's taper time already and that race day is so soon.  I pretty much freak out a few times a day about it now. 


The Road to 26.2 -Marathon Training Week 15
Short runs: My training group went back to some light speedwork with mile repeats at MRP (marathon race pace) this week. It's crazy how after running lots of slower, longer miles my supposed race pace feels fast. I definitely need to up the stretching and foamrolling now.  I haven't been running as often because I'm really anxious about getting hurt. I did some crossfit and strength training (light on the legs) and am trying not to worry. My training group coach says that running less during taper isn't going to make you slower or lose fitness-all the work is pretty much done by now.  

Long Run- Saturday was a fairly flat 15 miles.  I was taking it easy, pace-wise, because there is no need to push it now. I was especially wary because of a few minor injuries in my training group. The fifteen miles felt long, maybe because I couldn't get into the running zone. The weather was cooler and overall it was a nice run.  I didn't feel super sore or tight the next day either. 

What was awesome last week:   I have been doing pretty good about eating more protein to stay full and to make sure that my snacks and running nutrition is purposeful as fuel.  I need to fuel my body to run miles and also need to make sure I'm eating big meals and snacks with whole foods as the taper continues.  

What I need to work on this week: Staying calm! I'm freaking out that as of today I'm be running a marathon in 9 days. NINE DAYS! I need to stay as stress-free as possible and block out all the thoughts rushing through my brain saying "you can't do it", "you're not ready", and "you're not going to finish". My coach says this anxiety is expected and to take a deep breathe and think about how excited race day will be and find things to occupy my time and mind.  

As I try to get out of the funk I mentioned I was in and get more centered, I attended an event called "Om Out and Play" through the local Lululemon store and a local yoga studio.  It was a beautiful outdoor yoga class run by the yoga studio I used to go regularly a couple years of ago which focuses on power yoga and vinyasa flow styled yoga. It was wonderful to focus on being mindful and channelling the positive energy of all the yogis. Being outside along the water at the Baltimore Museum of Industry and feeling the cool breeze on my face as I moved through the poses was an amazing feeling.   They also had a live band playing  music during the practice, which was a nice touch. 


I thought the flow was a little fast if you were a yoga newbie, but overall it was a great yoga class. Afterwards they had gelato (I had a dairy-free dark chocolate flavor!), smoothies, coconut water, and even some beer from local vendors around the city. The event was definitely a reminder that I need more yoga in my life.  

Have any advice on tapering for a big race? Ever practiced yoga outside?

September 30, 2013

MIMM #12 9/29/2013

So today is a new week, as I take a deep breathe. I've posted recently about how I've been in a funk. Well, I can't seem to shake it, but I'm ready to work hard this week and get things done/moving/happening in my life. As long as I can fight off this sinus thing?/allergies?/cold? that I feel coming on.  I'm downing some tea with ACV and taking echinacea like it's my job so hopefully that helps. Here are some of the mostly marvelous  things that happened this past weekend!

Marvelous is checking out the Baltimore Book Festival this weekend. I love used books and street festivals-the weather was fantastic this year! 

Marvelous is getting some miles on my new sneakers which are now sitting in the box until the marathon (in 11 days!!!).

Marvelous is getting some fancy drinks out on a Saturday night. 


Marvelous is finally trying out the Afghan restaurant The Helmand in my neighborhood and having an amazing meal. I got a chicken dish with lots of veggies in a spicy tomato sauce and split their famous afghan ice cream for dessert. It was a cardamom ice cream with fig, date and mango pieces. It was amazing, and I'll definitely be back!

Not so marvelous is slacking on some much-needed studying for my medical terminology test which I need to take this week. 

Marvelous is Breaking Bad series finale last night. I thought the commercial breaks after every scene really took me out of it, but they definitely tied up the series nicely. 

Marvelous is spending Sunday afternoon with a pumpkin beer, burger, and football (even though both the Eagles and Ravens played horribly, ugh). 

The most marvelous of all is going to my first expo-Natural Products Expo East, which was right downtown, and pretending I'm a real big-time blogger who networks and passes out business cards to companies that I'd like to work with. Let's be honest, the most marvelous thing about it was the three big bags of swag I picked up. My thoughts and reviews on the expo and the awesome products I tried will get it's own post :)

Only half of the swag I picked up!

How was your weekend?

September 27, 2013

Marathon Training Week 14 and Five Friday Songs

Still been trying to catch up on LIFE this week and will hopefully have a very productive weekend. I've got a recap of marathon training last week. Oh and by the way, the big race is 15 days away. Commence freaking out but trying to stay calm and healthy and keep pretending that I'm ready. I think I totally miscounted my training week numbering on these posts, sorry!


The Road to 26.2 -Marathon Training Week 14
Short runs: My training group did the hardest hill workout on the schedule with 5x each of the 4 hills. my quads and hamstrings were feeling SUPER sore from crossfit the day before so I didn't try to run too fast, just got the hill repeats done.  

Long Run- Saturday was the last longer run and another first-22 miles. OMG. One of the other local running stores was holding a Baltimore marathon course run which loosely covers part of the second half of the marathon course so my training group decided to join that run.  I ran to meet up with my group and run over to the start of the run. We had numbers and there were port-a-potties and water/gatorade stops on the course which was nice. It was a good practice run to start off running with a large crowd instead of my little training group posse. The run had some tougher hills and my group was running close to my MRP, so I just took it easy and stayed around 45 sec-1 min behind my MRP because there is NO reason to push myself and get hurt with so little time left in training.  The weather was really nice for running, and I felt good, besides getting tight and sore at the end.  I made sure to actually stop at water stops and drink some water or fill up my water bottles to stay hydrated.  I hit exactly 22.0 miles on my Garmin right when I stepped foot in front of my door. I have been recovering with Cellucor BCAAs and a tsp of l-glutamine powder which seems to be my magic potion because for the first time in a month, my legs weren't feeling awful and tight the rest of the day/next day :)

What was awesome last week:   I am focused on staying healthy and worked on stretching and recovering. Last week some weighted lunges on Monday had my legs SO sore all week. I took rest days on Thursday and Friday to ensure I'd feel good on Saturday's long run, and it worked!

What I need to work on this week: I need to work on drinking more water throughout the day and staying hydrated all week, not just the day before a big run!

I usually am always talking about my favorite foods and snacks, which will probably happen next week after I check out some of the Natural Products Expo East trade show in Baltimore this weekend.  I finally decided to start updating my iPod for the marathon since I've been running without music (!) for all of training. Here are 5 songs I'm LOVING that I've added!

My Five Friday Faves (music edition!) this week are:

1. Unbelievers- Vampire Weekend

I saw them play this live at Freefest last weekend, and it sounded awesome. 

2. Applause- Lady Gaga

This song is catchy and awesome to run to. I <3 Gaga. 

3. Reflektor- Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire's new albums is probably going to be epic. I love the 80s, synthy vibe in this song. 

4. Hold On We're Going Home- Drake

This song is a slower R&B jam but I love singing along to it. 

5. Give It 2 U - Robin Thicke feat. Kendrick Lamar

Do you have any new favorite workout songs? Any big plans this weekend? 

September 25, 2013

Work, but don't forget to live

Things have still been moving at a whirlwind pace, and I've been taking a step back to remember to do what I gotta do, but just live.

My cup of Yogi tea gave me some serendipitous wisdom last night, as it always seems to.


Besides some personal life drama, I feel like fall is here and I need to be doing more. I've discussed before how I get caught up in life and neglect myself sometimes. Especially lately, I've been meditating on that notion more. I'm also trying to stay healthy and strong for that marathon I'm running in 17 days and all (WHAT?!).

Here's some things I've been doing instead of blogging, studying, stressing out, and working (too hard):

1. Going out for ice cream with my siblings and getting a two scoop sundae with vanilla vegan (due to my tummy troubles) ice cream, gooey caramel sauce, Reeses Pieces, whipped cream, and a cherry on top. I ate all but a few spoonfuls because then my stomach hurt. Probably due to the massive amount of sugar I devoured in 5 minutes. It was worth it though because I haven't had a legit ice cream sundae in so long, and it was DELISH. No photo because I ate it too fast, haha.

2. Waffles. Yes, if I happen to have some extra time in the morning, I'll treat myself to some waffles for breakfast, since they take a bit longer to make than pancakes and all. Even on a weekday. I'm worth it, and waffles are delicious, especially when you pan cook some banana slices in coconut oil to top your waffles with. 


3. You deserve the best. Thank you, Chobani, I need to think that more often. I already received my coupons for free yogurtto replace a few bad cups I had purchased when they were having issues with fizzing,moldy yogurts. I still love you, Chobani, especially with your great customer service.


4. Going to Virgin Mobile FreeFest Music Festival even though it poured rain all afternoon and evening to see Vampire Weekend, Robin Thicke, City and Colour,The Avett Brothers, Kaskade, and Pretty Lights. Yeah the rain made it pretty miserable, especially since I had woken up at 5:30 AM and ran lots and lots  of miles (22!), but I love music and couldn't pass up a free concert. I had never seen Vampire Weekend live and LOVED it.  

Oh hey, Robin Thicke!

5. Sleeping in. I haven't been really working out in the mornings because I've been choosing sleep over exhasution later in the day. I need to buckle down with the marathon race day quickly approaching but figure being well-rested is better for my body! Stay healthy people, I hear lots of coughing and sniffling on the bus and at work with the changing of the seasons. 


Have you been taking care of yourself this week? What do you do to de-stress?