November 11, 2014

When You Don't Know What to Do Post-Marathon

Well it's been a month since the big marathon, and time has flown by. After taking a couple weeks off from activity, I've been trying to get into the swing of things-it's hard.  Last year I discussed how to avoid post-race blues and below are some post-marathon tips I've put together this season. I've mostly been good at the post-marathon transition. 

Post-Marathon Tips

When You Don't Know What to Do: Post-Marathon Tips

I'm trying to figure out my race schedule for the winter and spring. I'm definitely including a couple of fun races like the annual Celtic Solstice Race in there before the New Year.  As far as fitness I've been relaxing, going on easy runs, and getting back to trying fun classes like Floyo and spin again.  

After following those tips, here's some things I'm wrestling with in my post-marathon transition: 

1. I'm 99% sure I'll be back to run the Chicago Marathon again. I have a place to stay, the race was fabulous, and if I'm giving it another shot-I KNOW I can get my Boston qualifying time there. 

2. Should I run a spring marathon? Even though this hasn't happened yet (queue penciling in a long run this weekend), I'd like to continue to get some long runs in and stay in  running shape. Should I attempt a full spring marathon? Is it worth it if it's super slow and not a chance to get my qualifying time? Do I want to start training hard again? If I do a spring one, I'm maybe looking at the Yuengling Shamrock marathon. I was so EXCITED and amped up after Chicago and wanted to run a marathon again soon. Now that my marathon buzz has worn off I'm not sure what I really want to do, especially with the holidays quickly approaching. 

3. Winter is coming. Truth.  That also is weighing on my spring marathon decision because running in the crazy cold and snow is no bueno for me.  Times like these, I wish I lived somewhere with an endless summer.  

4. Should I temporarily put my Crossfit membership on hold? Before the summer I was consistently going 2-3 times a week. I just kept it through marathon training to keep my same membership price and barely went, especially combined with all my summer travel. I'm tight on money so I don't really have dollars to waste. 

I love going in and getting a booty-kicking workout in an hour but making the class times can be tough for me, especially since I'm not within walking distance of the box. I highly recommend Crossfit Federal Hill but might have to put my membership on hold until the New Year at the very least.  

5. What are my goals for 2015? I really just need to figure out what I want to do in the spring. A fun racing season? A goal PR? 

6. Is there a way I can get involved in the fitness/health industry? I don't think I want to be a class instructor but some part of me plays with the idea. I'd love to find something more than the blog that lets me share my love of balanced health & fitness. 

How do you transition after a completing a big race or goal? What is your plan for the winter months? 


  1. I am pretty sure I won't be running a spring marathon next year because training through last winter was brutal!! I decided I would much rather train in the heat than have to deal with snow/ice/freezing cold temps!

    1. Yes, these below 30 temps are not so fun to workout in this week!

  2. This happens to me every year! I do my big race and then it's like "um now what?" I've learned to refocus the winter on doing weights at the gym, instead of my usual triathlon training. I think it helps keep me sane and then motivated to get back at it in the Spring.

    1. That's awesome-I'm definitely adding more strength training that back in since I neglected it all summer!

  3. Wow girl you must love to run if you are contemplating marathon miles in the cold! I love this :) If you decide you might want to do the whole fitness instructor route, you should check out AFAA APEX classes. I got my certification using the APEX for $99 vs $299. It's such a steal. Its a few days worth of studying before and then an 8 hour workshop with a test - not bad really. Best of luck if you decide to race in March, I look forward to your updates.

    1. Haha, I'm a crazy runner lady and THANKS for the suggestion! I actually just found out about a local AFAA class that leads to taking the test for APEX. I am thinking about doing it even if I'm not sure what classes I'd teach yet since the price is right! Thanks for reading!

  4. I took 2 full weeks off and didn't do a think in terms of working out, my body just needed a break!!
