
March 31, 2015

Momentum Jewelry Ambassador Discount and Wish Wraps

Disclosure: I am a Momentum Jewelry ambassador and receive complimentary products. This blog post contains my affiliate link. As always, all opinions are my own. 

I am really excited to announce that I'm a new ambassador for Momentum Jewelry! I love getting to a part of the teams of brands I love so it is exciting to support an athletic jewelry company that I've been a big fan of since I reviewed their products last year. 

I am completely obsessed with good vibes, positive thinking, and inspirational mantras. Having a reminder on my wrist or shoes while I'm working, running, or going about my day really helps me focus. 

Momentum's motivate wrap bracelets are my favorite with their cozy, tee shirt-like wrap material and great choice of mantras.  You can pretty much always find one on my wrist! 


If you use my ambassador link, you can save 10% off any order from Momentum!

I totally had positive energy during my awesome race at the Love Run Philadelphia half marathon this past Sunday and loved having that reminder on my wrist to glance during those tougher miles. 


You will be hearing and seeing more from me about Momentum Jewelry, but right now they are having an amazing sale to debut their new WISH wraps.  These beautiful leather wrap bracelets with little rhinestone studs are chic and inspiring.  They are available in brown or black leather with an assortment of sayings.  


I chose one that says "dream big" as a reminder to always reach for big goals and remember that I have the power to achieve anything that I want. I chose the brown leather and love how great it looks on my wrist, especially now that the weather is warming up and I'm able to show off my stacks when I'm wearing short sleeves. 

If you purchase a wish wrap through me as an ambassador you can save 25% (so they are only $30 instead of $40) through April 20th at midnight.  

Just click on my link, and click on suede & leather at the top of the website, and then click on wish wrap to order. 

These make a great gift, especially with Mother's Day around the corner!


Check out Momentum Jewelry on FacebookTwitterInstagram or online.

Do you have a favorite inspirational saying or mantra? 

March 27, 2015

5 Friday Favorites: Five Favorite Spring Foods 3/27/15

Don't forget to enter my MealEnders giveaway !

Since spring is my favorite season, and I love food, the DC Trifecta Friday Five linkup of five favorite spring foods seemed to be a great match. Read what my five favorite springtime foods are. 

5 Friday Favorites: Good Things

1. Jersey Peaches

I grew up in South Jersey and was always around fresh produce and farms when I was younger. It may be surprising to you, but New Jersey is called the Garden State for a reason! I love all types of fruit year round, but there is something great about a fresh Jersey peach in season. Juicy, sweet, the size of a softball and absolutely delicious! 

2. Ice Cream 


I love ice cream in any weather-I heard they actually sell more in the winter! However as the weather gets nicer I definitely find myself enjoying it more. I love taking walks to grab some local ice cream in the city or visit a local shop in my travels. A childhood favorite is always a big soft-serve cone from Kohrs Bros. at the Jersey shore right before the summer is in full swing. I posted the photo on Instagram and apparently others thought it looked delicious as well! 

3. Huge Fresh Salads

Baltimore needs a SweetGreen for sure!

March 24, 2015

MealEnders-An End to Overeating {review & giveaway}

Disclaimer: I was given a complimentary 4 pack of  MealEnders lozenges for review through the Sweat Pink Ambassadors network. Giveaway was offered and is provided by MealEnders. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Through blogging and being a part of many networks, I receive products and reviews offers each week with most of them not being worth my while.  Initially I was hesitant to accept the offer from Sweat Pink to try out MealEnders lozenges which claim to help keep you from over-eating, but curiosity got the best of me. 

They are low-calorie, stimulant-free signaling lozenges which come in four different flavors: Cinnamon, Citrus, Chocolate Mint, and Mocha.  

These lozenges are gluten-free with 15 calories per piece and only 2 grams of sugar.
I have my degree in Chemistry and love learning about science. Naturally I was intrigued by the food science of how these lozenges work, especially with the plethora of bold yet ultimately false claims made by diet foods in today's world. 

Mealenders lozenges have two layers. The first is a outer "reward" layer that is sweet like candy and signals the end of the meal. It's a softer, sweet layer that melts away in your mouth. The second is a tingling "inner core's active-taste layer"  engages the trigeminal nerve or "taste" nerve to signal the end of eating.  It's harder, and the best way to describe the feel is that tingling from menthol cough drops but in a delicious flavor. 

Many times I have trouble waiting the 20 minutes for my stomach to catch up with my brain and end up overeating. Also as a huge sweet tooth, I always love eating something sweet after meals-especially after dinner. 

March 20, 2015

Friday Favorites 3/20/15 feat. LesserEvil popcorn and Hip Hop Spin

This week has been crazy busy and stressful so I'm just popping by to link up with my 5 Friday favorites from the week here here, and here.  

Despite the fact that it's snowing and raining here today, I'm still celebrating the fact that spring is indeed here. I just want to be able to wear shorts without freezing, c'mon. 

1. Favorite Snack: LesserEvil Avocado-licious Popcorn

I'm really excited to announce I'm a LesserEvil Ambassador, a company I've loved ever since I reviewed their snacks last year. I am queen of snacking so having some crunchy snacks and popcorn on hand that are gluten-free, non-gmo, and full of nutritious ingredients is awesome. I was literally speechless when I came home from work one day this week to see three HUGE boxes of snacks waiting for me!



I'm been currently working my way through bags of their Avocado-liciousBuddha Bowl popcorn made with avocado oil and pink Himalayan sea salt which will be hitting the shelves soon. It's only 40 calories a cup so there's no need to feel guilty when I eat half the bag! The subtle flavor from the avocado oil is so unique. I will definitely be sharing more snacks from LesserEvil with you. 

2. Favorite Workout: Hip Hop Cycle with Shauna Harrison

This is technically from last week, but I got to try out Hip Hop Cycle at REV Cycle Studio with Under Armour sponsored Shauna Harrison. Shauna created Hip Hop Cycle in Baltimore which makes it even more special. The spin class was intense with lots of hill climbing, and her soundtrack  was awesome! You should be following Shauna Harrison on Instagram because she posts #Sweataday, an exercise to try each day.  She also has killer arms which put mine to shame. 


March 17, 2015

2015 KELLY Shamrock 5K Race Recap

After running Rock 'n' Roll DC this past Saturday (recap to come) I ran the annual KELLY Shamrock 5K in Baltimore. Since it's Saint Patrick's Day, it seemed appropriate to recap this festive 5K that I have run the past three years.  

It's really great but after doing a double header last year, I was not sure if I'd do it again. Of course, it was part of the Charm City Run B3 Race Package which included two other races I was planning on running so I figured why not!  

The KELLY Shamrock 5K is a big race that sells out every year and marks the start of spring racing in Baltimore. It is Charm City Run's largest race with 5200 runners but is always well-organized. The 5K happens right before the Baltimore Saint Patrick's Day Parade so it's awesome having everyone already lined up for the parade to cheer for the runners.Everyone is very festive and decked out in everything green!

After a night of drinking and a big Irish dinner, I got back from Washington D.C., with an hour to spare before the race started. I drank some water and Nuun since I was clearly dehydrated and got ready for the race. Partying the night before a race is not recommended! I was not as sore as I expected to be aside from some nagging calf tightness and a sore knot on my right hamstring.  

The weather was beautiful and sunny (unlike the previous day) but some strong winds had me wearing a jacket on top and shorts on the bottom.  The race ends at PowerPlant Live! so I wanted my jacket with me at the end of the race and decided just to run with it on, even though I'd probably be a little warm during the race.  

March 13, 2015

Rock and Roll DC Half Marathon & Shamrock 5K Weekend 2014 Recap

Just yet another reason I'm an awful blogger (but still a super awesome person) is that I get super behind on race recaps, etc. and have a bunch of posts just sitting in the drafts folder. Since I'm running the Rock 'n' Roll DC Half Marathon and KELLY Shamrock 5K back-to-back again this weekend, I thought I'd finally publish last year's weekend recap! 

Spoiler alert: it involves lots of sore legs and cold beers. 


 I had run the KELLY Shamrock 5K in Baltimore 2012 & 2013 and actually have my 5K PR from that race.  My winter running cabin fever got the best of me, and I signed up for the RNR USA half months earlier because there was a really cheap price deal on it.  Then I realized that the Charm City Run B3 Race Package which included two other races I wanted to run, included the Shamrock 5K so I was running it again!  That's how it happened that St. Patrick's Day weekend I'd be running races back-to-back. Talk about a way to jump-start spring running! 

The Friday before the race after work I took the train from Baltimore to the metro to another metro and hiked down to the expo at the Armory-yes it was really out of my way and no fun lugging all my bags with me. There was a line to get in because of Armory security which was added to my stress. It was nice to peruse the expo by myself and look at all the fun gear plus grab free samples of all the snacks I could find. I stocked up on salted caramel Gu and was really tempted to buy some of the cute St. Patrick's Day-themed running shirts for sale.  

March 11, 2015

My Big Fall Goal Race & RNR Brooklyn

It seems that everyone has running fever now that the weather is warming up. That means sporadically signing up for all the races #raceeverything! It's hard because with trips and events you have to sign up and book so early in advance. Sometimes it's difficult to plan for things you've signed up for 6 months out especially with commitments just popping up all the time. 

I am happy to share that Rock 'n' Roll Marathon series finally announced that the inaugural Brooklyn half marathon will take place Saturday, October 10, 2015.  Registration is open for only Tourpass holders until March 15, and the general registration will open to the public on Monday March 16. You can sign up for an email reminder about registration here

Check out the full details on the race here!


I really wanted to run this race, but I unfortunately can't because I'll be in Chicago getting ready to run the Chicago Marathon on October 11, 2015

Yes, it was quite lovely to see this email in my inbox this morning: 


Thanks to last year's Chicago Marathon time, I time-qualified for guaranteed entry this year.  I'm running Chicago again because despite being sick the week before, I had a really amazing race. I came only 1 minute shy of a 3:35 Boston-qualifying time for my age & gender group. I know in my heart that I can come back and get my goal time of 3:30 on it's fast, flat, energetic course.  Part of me wanted to re-type that and just say under 3:35, but let's be honest I'm aiming for 3:30. 

Goals are supposed to be big & scary, right?

Hopefully I can have a strong training cycle and show up to race day healthy and ready to run!

The 2015 Chicago Marathon lottery entry opened yesterday and closes Tuesday, April,21 so check it out if you are looking for a great big fall marathon!  Be sure to read my recaps from last year's expo and race.  

It looks like it's going to be another summer of #breathedeeplyandrunchitown. 

at last year's Chi Marathon expo. word. 

Do you have a goal Fall race picked out yet? Are you already planning big events for later in the year?

March 9, 2015

ZOOMA Annapolis Kickoff

Last week we had two snow days after getting a little over 6 inches of snow on Thursday. While I should have been productive, I mostly snacked, slept, and watched a lot of Netflix. Living that pajama life, you know


  Sometimes a break like that is necessary and refreshing.  After lots of takeout and eating out, getting my butt out of bed Saturday morning to head to the ZOOMA Annapolis kickoff run event at Charm City Run Annapolis was just what I needed.  

I showed up bright and early right after the free yoga class ended in the store. I've actually never been to this location, but the staff were just as friendly as they are at other locations.  It was a bit chillier than I'd liked but the turnout was still great!  Unfortunately it was a little icy around the Annapolis Towne Center, but run leaders made sure everyone was safe and we got in a nice 3 mile run.  It was awesome to chat to more of the other ambassadors. 

We're a fun bunch, if you can't tell! 


Charm City Run was offering a 15% discount on gear so I snagged a cute shirt perfect for Saint Patrick's Day and got a sweet ZOOMA bag and tech shirt from the race last year with my purchase.  

They also had Einstein's bagels, coffee, and the fixings for mimosas.  I was ever so grateful for the coffee.  


I got to spread the Feetures! love and giveaway four pairs of socks which was great. It was awesome to see a few people come out who will be running their first 10K or half marathon at ZOOMA in May with us.  


I'm actually really excited to get to run the beautiful course through Annapolis at the end of May. You should join me on Saturday May 30-it's going to be such a great event! 


You can still use my discount code LAUREN15 to save 10% on registration for the 10K or half marathon. 

Luckily on Sunday it hit over 50 degrees in Baltimore so that meant running outside in the sunny weather capris.  It was crazy because half of the harbor was still frozen. It's amazing how happy the warm weather can make me (unlike the cold). I ran into Sarah on my long run so we ran together for a bit which made the miles go by quickly.  I ended up slowly finishing the last few miles to make it to 13.1 miles for the day. Spring needs to stay! 

I don't feel prepared for Rock 'n' Roll DC this weekend at all, eek! 

 Have you ever run a ZOOMA race? What are you most looking forward this spring?

March 3, 2015

Dear Winter, It's time to go.


Dear Winter,

It's been real, but it's time for you to leave. I'm blaming you for my craptastic running this winter. I'll also be cursing you when I run a half marathon in less than two weeks that I'm wholly under-prepared for (I'm looking at you Rock 'n' Roll DC with those hills).  You forced me to struggle through a ten mile run on the treadmill yesterday morning that was only slightly bearable thanks to 3-4 episodes of Gilmore Girls on Netflix.

You're not all bad. I do like the beginning of winter and how lovely the season goes with the holidays. Bundling up around the fire with some hot chocolate is lovely.  A white Christmas always makes me smile too. Winter can be magical around the holidays. 

Not returning from a run drenched in sweat is nice. I can re-wear some of my layers because everything I wore isn't disgusting after a run. Having to put on 10 layers and bundle up before leaving the apartment is not so nice. I'd also like to be able to feel my fingers and toes again when I'm outside, thanks. 


Snow is pretty. It does make everything look like a winter wonderland. I'm all for having fun and building snowmen and making snow angels. Snow that causes a big mess and doesn't even get me ANY snow days off from work this year is not cool.  A couple measly two-hour delays are all you doled out to me this year which still forces to me to have a less than pleasant work commute.  I know Baltimore didn't get hit as hard as other cities, but it's just been annoying here. Slightly warmer and okay weather one day and then below freezing and an ice storm the next day. 

The main culprit lately has been ice. The devil of winter. I'll bundle up and take on the cold with minimal complaining. Taking a chance of wiping out and possibly busting myself up on a patch of ice? No thank-you. It was very unpleasant on Sunday to see the weather forecast as "ice pellets".