
August 30, 2015

Chicago Marathon 2015 Training Recap {Weeks 9 & 10}

{Read about Weeks 1&23&45&6 ,7&8, of my training} Weeks 9 and 10 of training are here already. It freaks me out the race is only 6 weeks away now! Luckily I have another two solid weeks of training behind me. 

Be sure to check out the hashtag #breathedeeplyandrunchi on Twitter and Instagram for more snippets of my training! 


Chicago Marathon 2015 Training Recap

Week 9

Week 9 was a solid week of training despite the fact that I was trying not to push it hard due to my freak toe injury . I wore my more stable Mizuno Wave Enigma 5 shoes for running and took an extra rest day on Monday.  I got in my favorite run, Shack Track & Field, this week. I switched it up and got a root beer float after the run which hit the spot! 

Thursday I went to a bootcamp class at Beachfit which was a nice change of pace. I also found a ride over to the workout so I went to my first ever Friday NP workout. I had been using Fridays as a cross-training day but decided to have some #hillsforbreakfast since my schedule for work/school has changed. I loved the workout and the different vibe of Fridays!

NP #hillsforbreakfast at Patterson Park

Druid Hill Park as the sun came up was worth the early wake-up call. 

I also did a group long run again with some NP people and got in a really solid 17 mile run at an average of 9:04 min/mi with some fabulous views. My fueling and water intake felt solid and there were no issues during the run besides a little humidity. I treated myself to this gluten-free caramel pastry & coffee which was as if a biscuit and a muffin had a baby-YUM. Of course I had some serious breakfast eating when I got home and showered as well. 


Week 10
This week really rocked. The weather was a bit warmer and humid again so there were many sweaty runs. I got in a quick treadmill run and a speedwork treadmill intervals two nights after work. Tuesday I finally went to another yoga class at the Under Armour Headquarters gym. With views like this in the morning, it's hard not to be feeling zen, body & mind. 


I also made it to November Project on Wednesday and again on Friday for hills! 

Saturday was a big long run of 18 miles, the longest of my training cycle so far.  I met up with a group of NP people at 5:30 AM with my new Energy Boosts and new Lululemon running skirt on and was ready to tackle some miles despite barely being awake!

We ran a path that took us around parts of the Baltimore Half Marathon route, going north of the city. I stuck to my own pace so at some points I fell behind the group. I do really like meeting up with people and trying different running routes I normally wouldn't these past few weeks.   Despite just-before-5 AM wake-up call, I felt super great and accomplished after getting my miles in and made sure to stop at Starbucks on my way home for some water and a frappucino with a big smile on my face. That post-run high is amazing sometimes. 

Remember you can always  use my code BREATHEBLOG to save 10% off sweet Bondiband headbands like the ones I always sport! 

The bad: Incorporating more yoga in my life, for my physical and mental health.  I also need to make sure I'm getting in enough water because I've been starting to feel really dehydrated and thirsty again after a few good weeks of water intake.  

The good:  I'm happy with where my mileage is at.  I know some people suggest running more but hanging out around 40 miles a week seems to be working for me right now.  I've been mixing up easy miles, workouts, and long runs without feeling run down.   

Things to Focus on: Since I'm starting grad school, I need to make sure I keep a good balance of sleep, work, training, and run so I can keep my sanity and continue training strong. 

This post was linked up with Weekend SnapshotsWeekly Wrap, and MIMM.  

How was your week of workouts?  Do you switch up your longer run routes often?


  1. Sounds like 2 solid weeks of training. And yes to a biscuit / muffin baby !

  2. Great job on your training! 40 miles a week is awesome!

  3. Keeping a balance is what so many people neglect...getting your long run in is important, but it sounds like your are overall being smart about your training! Good Luck in Chicago

    1. Thanks so much-it's al about finding what works for me!

  4. Because I am older, 40 miles seems plenty to me. That's where I will cap off my mileage as I train for Chicago. Your pace for 17 miles was fantastic. It would be nice to run with a group and also run different routes. All of my training is done solo. Starbucks is my favorite post run treat! And I wish I had a biscuit muffin baby (a buffin? a miscuit?) with my coffee right now. Thanks for linking up with us today!

    1. I love starbucks and a pastry right after a long run. Groups make the miles go by so much faster. Glad to hear that 40 is a solid mileage for others.

  5. Great training! I also did best with keeping mileage between 40-50 mpw. I can't wait to start training for something again!

    1. Awesome to hear! Training is tiring but exciting!

  6. Way to go! I try to switch up my long run route but end up doing the same thing due to safety (it's too dark and I don't have anyone to run with that early).

    1. I agree-I run the same route often because it's well-lit and safe!

  7. That pastry looks divine!! Congrats on your training - sounds like it is going SO awesome! :)

  8. Sounds like the training is going really well! And that biscuit muffin baby looks delicious :)

  9. I'm enjoying running some different routes now that I have moved out of the city but I definitely miss running around the harbor! I want to continue exploring, and it looks like the Jones Falls trail starts around Northern Pkwy and falls road and goes downtown, so I might check that out for one of my longer runs! Great job with your training- I'm sure its tough to balance all that stuff but you are doing great!

  10. Great couple weeks of training! You're rocking this!

  11. Great two weeks of training! When I am training for a half marathon, I like to switch up my routes but often don't since I just get used to where I am and sometimes zone out on my usual path that I don't realized I am following the usual. I need to find a path with more hills for my next training though!

    1. I agree-that's why it's easier if I can join up with someone who has a route I don't normally take!

  12. Sounds like your training is going really well! Your pace for your 17 miler is great!

    1. Thanks! I'm happy with most of my long run paces lately.

  13. You're doing great! You're going to smash your goal for Chicago which makes me even more excited for you. I love doing long runs for some reason and I can't wait to get back at it! Great job Lauren. You're motivating me to put in the miles.

    1. Thanks so much and glad I can motivate someone-that's mostly why I post about my training because I know others motivate me!

  14. Congrats on those long run times! It's great!

    1. Thanks-I'm glad that I've made it this far in training!

  15. Ha I love your comment "hills for breakfast" and your pace for the 17miles is just freaking awesome! You are doing great in your training!! Stick with what you know and what you want to focus on. After a long run, I too have a serious breakfast eating, ha! Thanks Lauren for liking up with Holly and I for Weekly Wrap and I hope this week is a great one for you! :)

    1. Thanks so much! I always get nervous changing things up because "if it ain't broke don't fix it" right?

  16. We allllways do the same long run route with my group. This past Saturday, though, our group leaders took us a different way since it was rainy and our normal path was really muddy (we got to run through the Lincoln Park Zoo!). It was so much fun to do something different for a change!

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. Ooh I like the Lincoln Park Zoo! It's nice to change things up, especially when you've got a lot of miles to get through.

  17. Great few weeks of training! And I hear you on finding a balance.. especially with grad school, but I have a feeling you got this :) Congrats on the 18 miler :)

    1. Thanks! Grad school is just picking up so we'll see how the rest of training goes lol

  18. Killing that training!! I'm lucky yoga is built into my day at work on wednesdays because otherwise I wouldn't be doing enough of it. I wish I was doing long runs on Saturdays so I could run with you guys- it would probably be way more fun!

  19. Killer. And you should be all pumped that in 6 weeks you get to see MEEEEEEEEEE

  20. Awesome week of running! I can't believe that there are lots of you runners that just get out there and run 18 miles for training! :) amazing! I added yoga this year to my week and it has made a huge difference- love it! Have a great week!

    1. It's weird and crazy how you've got a plan and just get those miles in. I'm hoping to add more yoga in, especially in this last part of the training cycle.

  21. Looks like you got some good training in! I do a lot of yoga, but I"m old and inflexible! Helps a ton...

    1. Haha, I feel inflexible and creaky so I need it in my life!

  22. Sounds like everything is going well!! The 9:04 pace is close to what my goal pace is for my long run this weekend. I'm supposed to run a 9 min pace for as long as I can with the hopes of it being over 2 hours, we will see!! Very cool that you are working out with NP so much. I would love to meet up with them sometime for a workout! I've heard great things!

    1. Check them out if you are ever travelling-NP is in 23 cities in North America now!
